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    • #42146
      User Avatarjenialyinvest

      Hello, hope everyone is staying safe from the CoronaVirus. With this market volatility there have been instances when trading has been stopped even for certain indexes and individual stocks. Has this ever happened to the forex market , where they actually stop or pause trading?

    • #42212

      Hey Jenialy,

      Yes, it happened at the end of 2018 and the beginning of 2019 with the Bitcoin. The brokers stopped trading with it because so many traders were profiting. Few of them nearly bankrupted.

      These are shock times for the broker because of the clients’ profits. So the only logical and legal thing that can do is to pause or stop the trading of the volatile assets….we can’t do anything about it but to look for a broker that keeps the trading.

      This is why it is good to have 2-3 accounts with different brokers so when such opportunities appear, you can take advantage.


    • #42226
      User AvatarIlan Vardy

      Hi Petko,

      With the current COVID-19 panic and country shutdowns, how accurate, or effective is it to use historical data and back testing for algorithmic trading? The current climate in the markets is so different to the past few months or years. Is algorithmic still a good, or best way to trade in your opinion?

    • #42231

      Hey Ilan,

      I don’t see any issues with the EAs for the moment. Just the opposite, some of the Experts trade better than what I see on the backtest.

      This is because there is high volatility, and it is always useful in algorithmic trading.

      The market on the lower time frame as M15 is nearly the same, you see a significant difference on the Dialy candles, but we don’t trade there.


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