Home Forums General Discussion How do I insert screenshots into my posts?

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    • #7596
      User Avatarjacpin2002

      I’m sorry. This may seems like a silly question, but I honestly can’t figure out how to post screenshots in my comments. Can someone tell me how? I know I did it before, but have completely forgotten.

    • #7618
      User AvatarAndi

      Hello Jacpin I tried to do it so I can answer you but failed to do it…I did it before but also can’t remember

    • #7634
      User Avatarjacpin2002

      @Andi-Thanks for trying. I think Petko was trying to post on this thread something to me, but I didn’t receive it.

    • #7666

      Hey Jacpin,

      somehow my post was not published. Here it is again.

      This is an example method of uploading screenshots/pictures to the forum:

      1. Upload the pic to a website for pictures like https://imgbb.com/

      Click over the picture once it is uploaded and click over the Embed codes:

      2. Copy the HTML code starting with the https until .png or .jpg

      3. After that go on the Forum and on the post where you want to place the image click on “img” on the top, and paste it there:

      4. Than you will see the description filed if you want to place some description, if not leave it empty and click OK.

      since you left empty the description you can delete alt=”” part

      Anyway Marin is working on new design for the website, and I will ask him to make it easier for the users to upload pictures.

      Hope that helps.

      Petko A

    • #7671
      User Avatarjacpin2002

      @Petko-Thank you so much! This was very helpful!

    • #7683

      You are welcome Jacpin!

      Marin is just working on the option to upload straight on the forum, and he will make it to be simple. Thanks for bringing up the question πŸ™‚

      In such a forum it is important to have pics and screenshots, it will be much more helpful to everyone.


    • #7771

      Hey guys,

      As promised, the new feature to upload pictures/screenshots is ready.

      Just click the last image icon:

      picture icon

      after that a small window comes up where you need to:

      • choose the file
      • make a description
      • choose the size

      upload pic 2


      Do not hesitate to put some pics or screenshots to your post, they will be more informative, and specially if you have questions to me, it is much easier if you upload screenshots.

    • #7772
      User Avatarjacpin2002

      @Petko-Thanks so much! I just tried it and it looks like it works.Β 

    • #7778

      Should be πŸ™‚ We always test before launch anything.


    • #7978
      User AvatarJordan

      Hey Petko,

      That is great new tool in the Forum…it will become more and more colorful and informational πŸ™‚

    • #7996

      Yes, screenshots are very important for me, because when anyone has a question or any issue it is much easier for me to assist if I see a picture/screenshot.

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