Home Forums Trading Courses Which trading courses to start with?

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    • #9228

      Hello all traders,

      My name is Jordan, and I am very new to the trading and decided to take some trading courses before trading.

      I took the Optimal Pack from Forex Academy and just starting to learn. I see that it is not really easy thing.

      That is why I want to ask which trading courses to start from?

      Should I look at the Forex trading courses or the Crypto trading courses?

      Manual or Algorithmic?

      I would really appreciate any suggestions.

      Thanks so much!

    • #9237
      User Avatarjacpin2002

      @Jordan-Welcome to the world of trading! A couple of questions for you before I give my recommendations:

      You mentioned that you are very new to trading..how new is new? Do you have knowledge about pips, points, trends, indicators, Metatrader trading platform, major vs. minor forex pairs, etc.?

      Another question I have is how much time to do have on your hands to trade with? Do you have the ability to sit and analyze charts to look for trading opportunities (this could be something that can take either 1 hour or 8 hours out of your day, depending on the strategy you are working with and when you have the ability to trade)?

      Would you like to trade 24/7 or would you prefer to trade during specific trading sessions or certain hours of the day?

      I’m just asking these to gauge where you’re leaning to in regards to trading. And it’s ok if your answer is I don’t know to any one of these. I only came up with these as it helped me to determine which avenue I wanted to take in my trading. 🙂

    • #9387

      Hello Jacpin,

      Thanks for taking the time to answer to me.

      I am very new new…just starting to learn about all the pips, and time frames, and candlesticks. No any experienced.

      I started with the Basic Algorithmic trading course from Pekto Aleksandrov, and there all of these basics are explained very clearly.

      Well, I do not have a lot of time because I am working on a full job right now, and I wanted to invest some money. I saw what happened with the Bitcoin, so I decided to learn to trade and found the Forum here. Then I took the Optimal Pack so I can use EA Studio and FBS Pro. I saw very very good comments about the two programs not only in here but all over the internet.

      Back to your question, I normally get 2-3 hours per day where I can spend on learning and practicing.

      I would prefer to trade all the time with EAs, except if it is not a good idea?

      Any ideas and suggestions will be just very useful!

      Thank you so much.



    • #9391
      User Avatarjacpin2002

      @Jordan-Thanks for being willing to answer my questions. You are on the right track by starting with the Basic Algorithmic course. I say this because it is as you said it goes through basic trading terminology, but also the fact that it is algorithmic.

      You questioned whether to learn manual or algorithmic trading in getting started. And based on the amount of hours you have available to trade and wanting to trade all the time, then algorithmic is the way to go. I actually only do algorithmic trading. I no longer look for trading opportunities because I also work a full-time job right now as well. I also trade all the time and I do this by using the EAs (or as I call them trading robots to other people). I don’t have the license for FSB, but I do have a license for EA Studio. I can only attest to the great product that EA Studio is.

      My recommendation would be to start with Forex vs. Cryptocurrency. I only say this because your are new to the world of trading and the crucial information of pips, points, etc differs from Forex to Cryptocurrency. This also helps you to watch how the different forex pairs perform, which will help you determine which ones to focus on in your trading portfolio. You may even find some pairs that become your favorite (I have 2 that I always trade just because the pair performs according to my trading style). I say once you feel confident that you have ‘mastered’ creating profitable strategies and actually traded them in demo, then you can move on to cryptocurrency, global indices, commodities, etc. to expand your trading portfolio, if you wanted to.

      Hope this helps and good luck with your training. Feel free to use this forum as much as you want. I know that I do for sure when I have questions.

    • #9462

      Hello Jacpin,

      thank you very much for the interesting replay!

      Yes, I finished the Basic Algorithmic course, but I will go over it one more time for sure.

      Which trading courses would you suggest me to continue with after that?

      I will follow your advice to start with Forex first, I see there are more Forex trading courses than Cryptocurrency trading courses. So I guess Petko Aleksandrov also focuses more on Forex.

      I guess when I start actual trading or at least testing on Demo account, I will start having an idea about which pairs to trade.

      Thank you one more time!

    • #9504

      Hello Jordan,

      you have opened a great topic! Now, after the basic trading courses, I would suggest you go over the trading courses for the Top !0 EURUSD EAs, Top 10 GBPUSD, Top 10 USDJPY, Top 5 EAs.

      With these trading courses, you will learn no manage accounts with a smaller number of EAs.

      After that, you can go with the Automated Forex Trading + 99 Expert Advisors course. There you will see how to manage many EAs in one account.

      With each course, you will build up your skills and knowledge about algorithmic trading.

      Kind regards,

    • #9625
      User AvatarHaliffa

      I have started with all Crypto trading courses because I was a fan of the Bitcoin, but now I am only on Forex.

      Anyway, the crypto trading courses from Petko gave me a great idea what to do, and from there I understood about EA Studio and FSB Pro, which changed my trading from losing to profitable.

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